Monday, June 23, 2008


I am going to write this real fast. Just wanted to keep up with the updates and not sure when I'm going to cross another internet cafe. Well I'm well north of Fort Bragg, California. Things have been good but tough. The hills are relentless and winding for miles upon miles. They have steep grades which makes it even more But in all seriousness, the hills and difficult wind is all subsituted for unbelievable picturesque landscapes. The camping is relaxing and always get to meet great people. There was one large family camping in some grounds near San Francisco that made me feel like my surname was Clarke. They really took care of me and fed me amazing food. I got to try Aboloni which is a large mussel about 8 inches in size and really delicious. Very expensive if you were to buy one... It would cost about $200. But if you go down and grab it yourself your allowed 3 of them. But no scuba tanks are allowed... only a snorkel. It was a really cool process and community knitting type of food. Because it is not easy to prepare.

It's funny to see sea lions and to hear them in the morning when camping near the beach. Sometimes being lucky enough to see dolphins playing in the sea. I have yet to see whales but apparently it's not that uncommon. It's also interesting to watch these little birds, I'm not sure but maybe they are a sparrow or something similar in size. They chase away these massive black birds (maybe a raven?) But I think the smaller bird is protecting their young and chasing away these bigger birds that are about 5x their size. It's always a great sight to see this small birds bravery. It's courage is motivating in a strange way.

One last story, an older guy camped next to me lastnight. He was a funny guy, his hair was perfect and he was really well manored and kept talking about his hiking that he has been doing and how he is getting paid to do it. I acknowledged but he kept bringing up how he was getting paid to have vacation. I thought maybe he was wanting to ask him what he does for a living. So finally I asked him of what he did. He said "top secret" he stopped talking and went into his tent. I didn't know if he was serious but it was a funny way to end a conversation.

So keep warm and safe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt!
I'm so glad your trek is going well! I love reading about all the interesting people you get to meet, and the places you get to see. Your trek is an inspiration to all of us. Best wishes and safe journey.