Saturday, May 10, 2008


The last blogs have been getting a little lengthy so I'm going to try and keep this one short and sweet. Well relatively short. So I'm completely surrounded by mountains and am writing this entry from a nice town nestled between them. I got held up in Peublo, CO but got more acquainted with some great people that really showed me the town and made me feel at home.

So I was pretty restless hanging out in Pueblo and I wanted to get back on my bike to get into the beautiful mountains. But I needed to wait for some important maps. I wasn't impressed with the United States Postal Service they had me running around all over town. Well the rest of the details are not important the important thing is I got my maps.

I would love to show you all pictures of where I am but I feel that the picture wouldn't do the mountains justice. For example I had to do my first substantial mountain climb the other day. At the mountain pass the max height was about 9300 ft. To fathom that number in my head I imagined 930 basketball nets stacked on top of eachother. I camped at the base of one of the big mountains here and the wind flying down them was incredible. It sounded as if I was on a freeway but even louder. However, when I went to the washroom in the middle of the night and the stars were incredible I felt so close to them. But didn't stay too long enjoying them because it was -3 degrees outside and the wind was even colder so I jumped back in my tent in a hurry.

The next morning rain pelted my tent.... I grumpily stayed in my sleeping bag. It let up pretty quickly I went outside and it was pretty cold. Still just above feezing. I started the day off and it started snowing.... I couldn't believe it. An hour later, hail started to pelt me in the face.... I laughed at the variations in weather that was being thrown at me. My mood was in high spirits though because of the amazing views and incredible speeds I can hit when flying up and down the hills/mountains. Sometimes I'm desert and the next minute I'm flying by a lush river, the landscape is ever changing around me.

Tomorrow I have my biggest climb within the United States. It will exceed 11,200 ft. I'm nervous but also really excited to be able to ride my bike to such heights. I have to say that generosity of people is still amazing... people letting me camp in their backyards, free food at diners, random people taking me out for dinner, or even someone putting me up in a Motel for the night. And everyone is always so willing to discuss personal experiences and stories about their experiences with Developmental Disabilities. I hope this doesn't sound redundant but I'm truly blessed to be taking part in such an adventure. Love you all and thanks for all the support



Homebase said...

Hi Matthew:)
I am Natasha, Jeff's girlfriend. Sorry that we did not get to meet before your trip. I have sat down and read all of your blogs and also had Jeff and your sister explain a lot about what you are doing. You should be really proud of yourself:) I have to say that i truly admire your bravery and your dedication. If only everyone was willing to be open minded. You would think that all of this ignorance would be finished with in this day and age! Anyways, you will be in my prayers and I hope that you are safe for the remainder of your journey. Can't wait to meet you:) Natasha

mark v said...


once again i am jealous. though those must be pretty serious climbs. I finished the video. the full length version is on youtube. it's a little long and we won't be using the whole thing for sponsors, but i put it up anyways. the quality is kind of crappy, i'm going to see if i can fix it. just search for far and wide bike trek and you should find it.
keep strong.


Chris T said...

Dear Matt

I miss you>

The mountains must be beautiful

Be careful

Good bye

Unknown said...


It's been ages since I've posted - I just got caught up on your blog and it's amazing. Even though I've heard some of this from you already, it's so fun reading it and becoming apart of your journey for a little while!

I really think you're completely in your element now cause you're writing is seems so reflective and precise. You gave seriously stunning descriptions of the imagery - great job on that. I can't wait to see some of these pictures soon.

I can't believe that you're climbing over 11,000 feet right now. I've been trying to get a hold of you today but I can't get through. Normally I'd be getting kindof worried but the whole bit about being on a mountain of such height explains it all.

I can't wait to talk to you soon.

You're amazing!


J said...

Best of luck to you and Thank You for what you are doing!

Unknown said...

Hey Matthew,

You really are an incredible person!! The blog is great to follow your adventure and a real inspiration. We are all very proud of you. I only wish there was more we could do to help spread the word to support your cause. It would be great to see how you're progressing against your fundraising goal. I'll ask everyone I know to make a donation!!
Rob D