Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quiet Before the Storm

The title of this blog is fitting in so many ways. Everything seems to be settling, especially the crazy weather. Sponsors seem to be coming into the picture and so many people that don't even know me seem to want to donate to the cause. I have heard so many kind words, that it makes me so happy to hear about people asking why I'm doing this and to learn about the people that I'm representing on this adventure.

With my training slowing down before the big ride my body feels relaxed, but my mind is constantly swirling with a million different emotions of excitement, uncertainty, drive, and many more teaming with anticipation for the departure date. My days are fairly simple but I also have lots to keep me busy. Sending lots of emails and networking all the connections that I will need to make this the most effective trip. It's frustrating in the sense of all the time I have to spend in front of a computer. When I would rather be outside doing things around the community. But it's ok because I know I won't much have contact with computers for over 5 months after this.

I'm starting to embrace the questions of all sorts that are directed to me. Negative and positive I've learned to appreciate all of them. Not everyone understands why I would attempt to do this. Some people have 50 questions and some have 1. The most common question is, "who is coming with you? or do you have a car following you?" This one I still have a hard time answering because one of the main reasons is that I'm trying to promote no carbon-emissions. It's not that I'm trying to put myself in harms way or trying to make it more difficult. But I feel that extraordinary things draw peoples attention to certain issue. As for having a friend cycle with me, I would have loved a partner thats always so important for motivation, safety and overall sucess of a journey. But all of the partners that I approached for the trip could not find the time which has been hard for me but it also makes it very exciting to be an individual trip.

Well I'll leave this blog on that not of the feelings before the big ride. But I will add one thing that I forgot to add to this blog previously is the article that was published in the Hamilton magazine the View. I will post the link if you get a chance check it out!

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