This week has brought
alot of great and frustrating times. I'm tired as I stare at this computer and think of the times of last. It's pretty amazing how many places I've been, sometimes I don't even know what town I'm in. I will be talking to some locals and I won't be able to tell them where I'm coming from or where I'm going to. I just know I'm just going.... It's also funny how well I can make myself laugh when on the road. I really think I'm hilarious when nobody is around. I wonder what a truck driver thinks when he drives does he thinks I've lost it? If I told him where I'm going I'm sure that would reaffirm his initial judgements.
Kansas has offered me
alot, I have met some other cyclists and rode with them for short distances before taking our different paths. I have been riding through some flat lands where the wheat fields contrast with lush green grass and rolling hills that are sprinkled in jagged rocks. The morning dew glistens and creating colours that look unreal with thousands of differents shades that mix together, that always make me enjoy the morning... even if my body aches. The skies in Kansas have been really amazing since I started to pay more attention to them. The clouds swirl and blue sky extends across the landscape for miles and miles. It is incredible how fast the skies change, you can see the skies swirl creating cone like clouds which come out of bigger darker clouds. Tornadoes have been threatening all around me and sometimes I secretly want to see one. But I am always ahead of the severe weather by a day, and not in the position to see one.
It was nice to have some company this past week, I got to cycle with an older man from England, he is riding across the U.S. His drive, strength and positive outlook on life was inspiring to push me to continue on strong with this trip. He was not your prototypical cyclist and it was cool to be able to meet someone just enjoying the world in it's natural state. We enjoyed each others company and I think he was overwhelmed on how much I had to say on every single topic. I had to ride ahead of him because our daily distances didn't add up and I had to take advantage of the weather while it lasted.
I rode into Hutchinson, KS and I was feeling really tired. The last two days I biked about 290km. So I was happy to pull into this city. There was a Salvation Army there and I met up with the Major Barb and Rick, at their Community Corps. It was a very nice building and they invited me to stay over for the night, they were so helpful and kind. I had a great sleep, the bed was like a hand gripping my body in total comfort which did not want to let go in the morning. That morning I did rip my body from the grips and I got ready and headed to the community centre where there was a man by my bike, a very tall man. He was Corrections officer and looked like he didn't take much guff from anyone. We talked for awhile and he said, "you could go to
Larned, KS and I could get a place for you to stay." I told him I was a little tired and might pull up a little short. He said..... "you could go to
Larned, KS and I could get a place for you to stay." I didn't want to disagree.... So I went. It was another 125km with a nice headwind. I enjoyed the ride though. It went through wild life refuges and quiet roads, even a farm of zebras, camels and giraffes... I felt like I was in Africa.
I have met so many great people over this last week it's hard to fit them all into this short blog. I stayed with a Pastor in
Larned his name was Brett and he was a really nice guy. His friends (Jasmine, Brett, and Miriam) took me for a really delicious Mexican meal. Brett let me have his house even while he out for the day, he showed the utmost patience with me after I burnt one of his pots while boiling tea! It boiled dry really fast! I stunk up his house but he was really kind and was willing to put me up. (Don't worry the pot was ok but it smelled)
I went to his service in the morning and it was a really interesting service. His denomination was 'The Father's House' and on the National Day of prayer there was representatives from all denominations. It was really a really cool service and interesting to hear all the different styles from the different Pastors. I was raised into a Catholic Church where it was very organized and quiet and the mass was done in unison. But in this service there was people talking back to the Pastors, Ministers and Priests. Yelling out "AMEN" in response to powerful statements. During song some people would lose control of their body and be taken by the moment and rock back and forth with arms extended and shaking. It was a really amazing experience and I was glad I got to meet so many great people. I also got to talk to lots of people after the service about what I'm doing and why. So many people have shown interest and took the information about the cause. One woman had no money or computer to donate she gave me the only thing she had on abundance of cinnamon buns, very delicious.
Finally, yesterday I left
Larned, KS leaving to wherever the road would take me. It was beautiful and hot and the sun made me squint. I got ready to leave the church and realized I had a flat tire.
ARG! I fixed and patched the tire then got ready to go... then I realized there was brake problems.
AHHG! Readjusted and then finally I got on the road and drivers didn't seem friendly at all.... Trucks were like that nightmare that you have when your running away from something and you can't get away or even run fast. No matter how hard you try it's going to catch up to you. So, the trucks were not my favorite yesterday, but I understand truckers have to work on these roads and are in routine. One thing that was especially
aggravating was that all the trucks were filled with all sorts of farming smells mostly manure. So, my spirits were not the highest and it was late in the day, I knew it would be a long haul. I took me along time to get 70km done. Especially because all of a sudden at 6 o'clock the weather took full advantage of me and whipped me around with winds from all directions. It felt like I was being slapped from people in all directions with massive overweight hands. However, I made it to the town Jetmore and found out there was no place to sleep but the county park. I went there to set up my tent, there was a bathroom made out of cinder blocks so I decided that would be a good place to protect me from the wind. After, I got all the stuff ready I noticed that there was a woman who drove by in her van and we saw
eachother. She then turned around, got out of her van and asked.... "Are you going to be warm enough tonight?" I said shrugged my shoulders, smiled and said. "I hope so!" We then started talking for awhile and she said there was more protection in her backyard. I said that would be great. I got to her house and she said, "do you want to sleep on the couch?" I was so overwhelmed from the generosity that I felt shy and didn't want to impose. But it was an offer I couldn't refuse :) So I got in and I introduced myself to her husband and her formally. Alison and Gus were on older couple in a really nice house. They made me feel like home and made me strawberries and ice cream. I felt like I was in some sort of surreal place! The morning came and they fixed me a good breakfast. I got ready to leave and we said our goodbyes. The weather had plans of it's own. The next town where I was heading was about 100km with nothing
inbetween. (Garden City) I started out... if you remember the blog from Chicago the wind was nothing compared to this. I was the winds toy I struggled to keep balance on the narrow road. The tumbleweeds blew around like an old western but not in front of my path but directly at my face! They got caught up in my bike spokes. The trucks drove on the road as if on a tight rope, as the wind blew their heaving loads back and forth. This caused me to have to get off the road for safety every so often. I was on the road for about 40 minutes and had only made it 5km... I COULD RUN FASTER THAN THAT. Some reports later told me that the winds were gusting over 70 mph (112kph) and steady at about 30mph (48kph) I felt defeated and decided to turn around to Alison's and Gus's place where they happily took me back.... I had to say "Hello win this round."
lol. But thank Alison and Gus so much for their kindness to strangers it really is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced!
Anyway things are going great I'm in good health and can't wait to move to the next stage... Colorado, Utah and Arizona. This is going to be more desolate and the blogs may become more infrequent. But I will try and get them up as often as I can. This next step offers
alot of challenges and natural wonders of the world that make me smile but nestled deep down there is intense feelings of excitement brewing. All of this is topped with an awesome feeling of being able to represent such awesome people. I know that what I'm doing in spreading good word about developmental disabilities and the awesome work the Salvation Army does across the world (Especially what I have seen in Southern Ontario, and across the board in the U.S.A)
Till next time'